Prusa MK3S(+) Camera Mount

Prusa MK3S(+) Raspberry Pi Camera Module Mount


Pi Camera V2.1 Mount With Optional X Axis Cable Strain Relief for the Prusa MK3S & MK3S+ Printers.

Note: added mount for MK3S+ (MK3SPlus_X-Axis_Bracket_Pi_Camera_Mount v1.stl). This is the only part that differs from the original MK3S.

After finishing my design for the Prusa Mini Pi camera mount I wanted to have the same features on my MK3S. I was always bumping my camera mount knocking in out of position and would not know until I was viewing remote. This became frustrating so I wanted something that has a fixed point of view, is low profile so it will stay out of my way, and was in keeping with the design of the printer.

The X axis strain relief was added in for good measure however there is an option to print without.


Simple no moving parts
Fixed Angle
Cable Management
Designed to blend with the design of the printer
Optional X Axis Cable Strain Relief

Required :

1 - Wire Tie 165x2.5 mm
1 - M3 x 18 Bolt
(Both Found in MK3S Spare Parts)

Print instructions

No supports needed.

Note: Two versions

With X Axis Cable Strain Relief Without X Axis Cable Strain Relief (code found under User Print Files DOWNLOAD PDF INSTRUCTIONS

Files can be found here: Prusa MK3S (MK3S+) Pi Camera V2.1 Mount With Optional X Axis Cable Strain Relief | PrusaPrinters

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